After a really stressful and draining quarter took a toll on my photography, I'm easing myself back into it, trying to take the pictures I want to make.
Here's one from thanksgiving - my youngest cousin getting ready to go home.
I can't make a good frame these days, because I can't make a frame in general. Working 40 hours a week will do that to you. I can't wait to get back to school so I can relax and find some focus and a few stories to follow.
Until then, here's a set I put together of my grandparents - the interactions between them, the subtlety of affection in a relationship that's endured more than 50 years. I'd like to go back to this, but again. The time thing. One day, when the lack of money doesn't rule my life.
I've been to a lot of places this week, but most of them weren't camera friendly. Abandoned amusement parks are more lenient about their photo policies, however, since nobody's there to monitor them.
This isn't a very good edit, but maybe one day I'll have the chance to sit down and look them all over.
Here's a few from the Hardesty Park Art Festival. I wish I'd brought a few more lenses - I'm sort of out of practice in terms of sticking a wide angle RIGHT up in somebody's face. Anyways.
Went to the Lime Spider last night. This guy had quite the act - getting shaved with a big knife (the fake blood bottle was right next to him on the ground) and then wiping green ink on his band mates with a piece of broccoli.
I snapped this on my way to work. I would've liked to stay longer, but of course, I was running late.
Lately I've been shooting on my way home from work or around my house to relax a little before the light completely dissolves from another long day. I guess my idea of relaxation is really, really clean composition. Sweet.
Here's some old ones from the 4th of July. I had a lot of time on my hands to shoot earlier in the summer, but now all my free time tends to be after that thing called the sun decides to go to bed. So pouring through old stuff I never went through is the next best thing, I guess. I'm itching to shoot.